Thursday, August 18, 2011

Westgat Water Pipe Update 8.18.2011

Work has begun on the water pipe project this week.  Construction crews have been working on the trench beginning near low-rise ABC and will continue to work in the direction of DE.  The path of the work can be noted by looking at the white line around the periphery of Westgate.  It is hoped that work will begin on the pipeline near DE at the beginning of next week (8.22).

During construction residents are asked to exit via the courtyard side of the building.  Construction crews will reopen the street side access in the evenings and on weekends when work is not being conducted.

Parking will close in front of buildings as the project progresses and reopen when work is complete in that particular section.  We apologize for the inconvenience, but feel it is best for the safety of the residents, their cars, and the workers.

Mail will continue to be delivered throughout the project.  Also there has been some concern mentioned for the trees around the buildings.  The water pipe line has been created in an effort to minimize impact to trees and other landscaping in addition to other concerns.  It is not anticipated that any irreparable damage will occur to trees.  Some limbs/branches need to be cut in order to allow for equipment and some of the root systems may be disrupted due to the digging.  However, the damage created by these endeavors is not considered to be life-threatening to any of the current trees.  It has been noted that some trees may not be well in the Westgate area and Facilities has been asked to examine and consider the said trees during and after the project.

There will be minimum water shutdowns throughout the project and residents will receive notice when one is scheduled to occur. 

Please contact Michael Collins at or Jason McKnight at with questions or concerns.

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