Thursday, October 6, 2011

Heating Project Update 10.4.11

The heating project will be halted at the end of October. Work crews are currently completing and testing the upgrades on the top floor of each low-rise building (i.e. apartments 5 and 6, A-K).

The project will resume in the spring, when the weather becomes warmer and heat is not required. Work will begin in the second floor apartments and then move to the first floor apartments. Residents will be notified when work begins.

Heat will be turned on to the high-rise and low-rise in the near future. Please contact Michael Collins at, if you have any questions.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Construction Update 9.14.11

Heating Project

The heating project in the low rise is underway and has altered in its process. The top floors in every entry are scheduled to be upgraded first. Work will begin in K entry and then move to A entry. A schedule was provided to residents by Michael Collins, the House Manager. The schedule is subject to change. The work will take roughly a day and half to complete in each apartment.

Please move items away from baseboard heaters in advance of the work. It will assist in speeding up the installation.

Also, a second crew of workers may be added to the project. The second crew will work in the apartment below simultaneously if added. For example, first crew would work in K5 while the second crew works in K3.

A painting schedule will be created to address any touch ups needed after the project.

If you have any questions, please contact Michael Collins at

Water Pipeline Project

Work continues on the water pipeline to Westgate. The first half of the pipeline, connecting from the corner of Westgate high-rise and Westgate entry A to the corner of Vassar and Amherst Alley has been completed. Once the plumbing connections have been made, the construction crew will begin sealing the trenches.

Work has begun this week on the Amherst Alley portion resulting in periodic closing of the loading dock and one-way traffic along the Alley. MIT Police will be on hand to direct traffic enabling continued access to the Westgate parking lot.

Any questions or concerns can be directed to Jason McKnight at and/or Michael Collins at

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Heating Update 8.18.2011

All work being conducted under the low-rise buildings is complete.

Installation of the heating mechanisms in individual apartments has begun in HJK.  Residents will be notified before entry into their apartment.  The installation is anticipated to only take one day.  Residents are asked to move items away from the wall in order to allow for quicker access and replacement of the current heating structures.  In order to minimize inconvenience, residents will not need to move items until notified that workers will be entering their apartments.  Items obstructing the work will be moved.

Work will continue on the installation until it is either complete or the heating system must become active. 

Please direct questions and concerns regarding the heating project to Michael Collins at

Westgat Water Pipe Update 8.18.2011

Work has begun on the water pipe project this week.  Construction crews have been working on the trench beginning near low-rise ABC and will continue to work in the direction of DE.  The path of the work can be noted by looking at the white line around the periphery of Westgate.  It is hoped that work will begin on the pipeline near DE at the beginning of next week (8.22).

During construction residents are asked to exit via the courtyard side of the building.  Construction crews will reopen the street side access in the evenings and on weekends when work is not being conducted.

Parking will close in front of buildings as the project progresses and reopen when work is complete in that particular section.  We apologize for the inconvenience, but feel it is best for the safety of the residents, their cars, and the workers.

Mail will continue to be delivered throughout the project.  Also there has been some concern mentioned for the trees around the buildings.  The water pipe line has been created in an effort to minimize impact to trees and other landscaping in addition to other concerns.  It is not anticipated that any irreparable damage will occur to trees.  Some limbs/branches need to be cut in order to allow for equipment and some of the root systems may be disrupted due to the digging.  However, the damage created by these endeavors is not considered to be life-threatening to any of the current trees.  It has been noted that some trees may not be well in the Westgate area and Facilities has been asked to examine and consider the said trees during and after the project.

There will be minimum water shutdowns throughout the project and residents will receive notice when one is scheduled to occur. 

Please contact Michael Collins at or Jason McKnight at with questions or concerns.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Westgate Water Pipe Update 8.3.11

Work on the water line for Westgate is expected to begin on Thursday, August 4. A diagram of the project is available here: Upgrades to the pipes are expected to increase the reliability and safety of the water supply to the Westgate buildings.

As a reminder, work is scheduled to begin at 8am and conclude at 3:30pm, Monday - Friday. A police detail will be present during construction hours to direct pedestrian traffic. Safety and project information will be posted in the area. Work is expected to last until early October.

There will be a community meeting to offer more details and answer questions on TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 2011 at 7:30pm in the Basement Lounge of the high rise. In the meantime, please feel free to contact the Westgate house manager, Michael Collins, at or the Residential Life Associate (RLA), Jason McKnight, at with any questions or concerns.

Water Pipe Upgrade Overview

Over the last ten years, and especially last winter, many repairs have been made to the domestic mains supplying drinking water to Westgate housing complex. The frequent outages have taken a toll on the patience of the residents and the cost for excavation and repairs have strained maintenance resources. In response to those issues MIT Utilities department has undertaken the task of replacing the old cast iron pipe with new ductile iron pipe. Construction for this planned two month project will start in early August.

Daniel O’Connell’s Sons, an experienced construction firm, has been hired to engineer and install the new system. Careful thought has been given to the safety and quality of life of the residents during the construction period. These measures include: a limitation on periods of noisy work to 8-3:30 Monday to Friday; an effort to minimize the impact on resident parking by keeping lots open and unencumbered as long as possible; keeping open trenches fenced off and covered with steel plates at night; and having MIT police details present during construction to direct pedestrian traffic to safe areas. Additionally, since the new water line will be installed to on the outside perimeter of the W85 low rise buildings, between Tang and the Westgate Family housing (FIG.I) access to and from the playground should be normal. Pedestrian safety signs and project information will be posted before construction starts.

While we cannot mitigate all the impacts of this significant construction project, we think that the end result, a safe and reliable supply of drinking water to the Westgate housing complex, will worth the inconvenience. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.

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